uh-oh, it's back to sex. we must regress to include and heal, then move on again...

song of the day: Hold Me Now / Thompson Twins

word of the day: ana / in equal quantities (hmm, you learn something new each day, "ana" is [phonetically] also a word is also a word in IS that means individuated form, sort of like "body", it's etymology comes from the upper right quadrant, it also means embodied Love. apparently in English it means in equal quantities. i didn't know it was an English word.

Stevie = Saint

song of the day: Evil Stevie Wonder
word of the day: sowlth / a formless luminous spectre (from the Irish Samhailt- likeness, apparation) {chiefly used in the writings of W.B. Yeats

freaky man, i've never heard of the word SOWLTH.. if you google it you get a lot of stuff in other languages (celtic). anyhow.

Sex Sex Sex

word of the day: Grease is the word it's the word, it's got a groove it's got a feelin'...
song of the day: Yoga Of Sound, Russil Paul

toward an ethical pornography

song of the day: Girls On Film / Duran Duran
word of the day: aphrodisiomania / abnormal sexual interest

well, it rained like crazy last night. you guessed it: our roof STILL leaks. ten days and $5,000 after we first discovered the leak, we have moved the leak exactly one foot north on the roof. that's after a complete re-build top to bottom.

hee hee. you have to find that at least somewhat funny. hee hee.

radio killed the video star

song of the day: I'm not gonna lie to you, it's still Irish Heart, English Blood by Morrissey. i can't stop singing "i've been dreaming of a time when...the ENGLISH are SICK to death of LABOR...and TORRIES, and SPIT UPON the name..." etc.
word of the day: yeah, that's still FUCK too...
monk of the day: Nixon

and the DVD is titled...

song of the day: Irish Heart, English Blood / Morrissey
word of the day: FUCK
monk of the day: the Unknown which abides as each

karma yoga

song of the day: Sari / Nellie Mckay
word of the day: sinistrorse / turned or spiralling upwards towards the left
monk of the day: Nichole Fromm (the bomb! wooooooooooo!!!!!!!)

i spent the weekend attending with the integral institute gang, attending Roger Walsh's two day work shop. day one was on Karma Yoga, day two was devoted to ethics.

day one we went through the nine points of karma yoga, what i have from my notes (these are not Roger's words or phrasings):


song of the day: Dead Man's Party Oingo Boingo
word of the day: Word / Speech, utterance. 2, a thing or things said, a remark or remarks. 3, verbally represent or cause to be represented as
koan of the day: "Pee on me"
- Jerry Blank (Amy Sedaris' character in Strangers With Candy to a girl she's trying to seduce in a hotel room...)

i almost have a real roof on my house. gives one the sense of enclosure...


song of the day: wise up / aimee mann
word of the day: metonymy / the substitution of a word denoting an attribute or adjunct of a thing for the denoting the thing itself (like in "do you want a KLEENEX?" or let's get a COKE {as a reference to all soda generically...}
monk of the day: tanja, desiree, rinus (holland)

the secret

song of the day: Crying (that version in Mulholland Drive where the chick sings it acapella)
word of the day: Dol / unit for measuring intensity of pain
monk of the day: Will Bueche (gasho)

up till three a.m. last night hanging sheet rock. i managed to almost get the other side of the studio all rocked. it's kind of difficult lifting those big sheets when you're skinny, maladroit, and sleepy. the little Dane that could...


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