Stuart's Blog


song of the day: kids in america / forgot who sings it
word of the day: spanandry / lack or extreme scarcity of males in a society
monk of the day: justin davis (yes, that one...)

last day of the meditation retreat. my legs hurt. my right hip, in particular. i'm starting to have a pang to watch a movie...


song of the day: Whole Of The MoonWaterboys
word of the day: Love (ineffable fundament of Reality)
monk of the day: anyone reading this

day two of the home retreat. this morning i woke up calmed by a thought:

it isn't necessary
to understand
be understood
to work in the Mystery

unconditioned mind

song of the day: Anthem / Leonard Cohen
word of the day: Patois / french term for a local form of speech distinguished within broader dialects
monk of the day: Marci Davis, my wife XOXOXOXOXO!!!!!


song of the day: Glass / Stuart Davis
word of the day: adamitism / nakedness for religious reasons
monk of the day: colin bigelow (causal resonator)

lead removal 101

song of the day: Strip Bars / Hindu Rodeo
"strip bars are like church
you think that's odd?
you're as apt to find sex
as you are to find God"
(joel sayles)
word of the day: secus (latin for "otherwise")
monk of the day: pappa Davis, my very cool rockin' pops...(thanks for all the help, dad!)


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