Just finished three days at the third annual Integral Spiritual Center gathering. I was privileged enough to provide music for a group of spiritual teachers that included Father Thomas Keating, Brother David Steidle-Ross, Rabbi Zallman, Roger Walsh, Swami Sally Kempton, Linda and Saniel Bonder, Musho Di Hamilton Sensei, Genpo Roshi, Terry Patton, James Fowler, David Deida, Sophia Diaz, and of course the kooky Bodhisattva we have to thank for the whole thing, Ken Wilber.
If you wanna check out some love-fun, I did an interview with IONS Shift-In Action last night with Stephen Dinan. I really enjoyed it, and for those who are interested in a more in-depth discussion of family, art, spiritual practice, and an integral approach to art, this is a wondeful place to tune in.
I'm getting a Great Dane on November 1st. His name is Mazzy Hello Kitty Davis. I am SO EXCITED!! I already have dog beds, have been reading up on literature, and putting the house in order for its newest family member.
my eariest memory is lying on my back in the crib as an infant. i don't remember wanting anything, needing anything. i wasn't hungry, or in pain, or sleepy. i just remember the pattern of the ceiling as it was framed by the horizontal border of my crib. i heard people in the back ground. no idea what they were saying. nothing special about that moment, other than it's as far back as my personal memory goes.
I've been sick. Haven't been sick in years, so I'm enjoying the peculiar quality of awareness that comes from fever-visions, nyquil, and sudden weight loss. What a curious Universe we live in. The other night the Orchid in my bedroom transformed into a spectre and literally scared the living shit out of me, and then made me laugh out loud. Sure. Alright.