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Ordinary People


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badly placed
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Oh, I LOVE Ordinary People. Have seen this movie five or six times, and it's just so fucking good. Directed by Robert Redford (may be my fav thing he's done), starring Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore, Judd Hirsch, and Timothy Hutton. AND THEY ALL KNOCK IT OUT OF THE PARK. But I'm not here to review the film, I just want to point something out.

Everybody always raves and praises the scene in Goodwill Hunting where Robin Williams and Matt Damon's character have that big break through (where he's going "it's not your fault, it's not your fault"). But HOLY SHIT it is SUCH a RIP OFF from Ordinary People. I mean, basically they stole that scene. Go watch ordinary people, first of all because it's a flawless movie. Without a doubt, Mary Tyler Moore's best work, but all of these actors were at the top of their game. God, you really can feel the pain from all of them. But also, check out that scene between Judd Hirsch and Timothy Hutton, and TELL ME they didn't steal that shit and use it in Goodwill Hunting.

Just saying.

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