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Dharmapalooza 2006!!!

Bring it. Oh, eht's ah-eddy beh' brough-EN!! You're all invited, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Hindus, Agnostics, Atheists, Sikhs, and Bahai! (Ahem. Sorry, no Scientologists). We want you all. Just bring your love and get ready to rock.

Every year, I host this special event, Dharmapalooza. We get together, meditate, learn some new stuff about love and being a human, and we party our asses off at a killer rock 'n roll show. This year is going to be the best one ever. Are you kidding me? We have landed the ultimate special guest: Zen Master Genpo Roshi. You do not want to miss this event, and you will if you don't secure a reservation. There are 100 spots available. No more, no less. They will go fast.

Here's the skinny:

When: October 27, 28, and 29.
Where: Boulder, Colorado. Events will take place at the Shambhala Buddhist Center in downtown Boulder and at Trilogy Music Club (they are right across the street from each other).
How Much: $99 (US). That price includes a full day of Big Mind with Genpo Roshi, a live concert with Stuart Davis (and band) at Trilogy, and one meal. All attendees must arrange and pay for their own travel to and from Boulder, accomodations while here, transportation to all locations, and meals. The fee is due upon arrival on Friday Night, and it goes toward covering rental cost of the music club, meditation center, staff for each event, and Genpo Roshi's travel and expenses. I am just out to break even on this one, and this is the lowest fee we can charge and still do that.

The event schedule is:

10.27 7pm, Group Dinner at Red Fish
10.28 10am, Shambhala Meditation Center, Boulder / Introduction by Stuart
10:15 Meditation
11am Lunch (on your own)
12:30pm Big Mind with Genpo Roshi
6pm Group Dinner at Trilogy (restaurant side)
8pm Stuart Davis Concert at Trilogy (music club side)
10.29 12 Noon Group Lunch at Immersive Studios, Boulder (this is where attendees get to do their thing, perform, exchange info, etc.)

To reserve a spot, email Stuart directly stating how many people will be in your party. First come, first reserve, 100 spots only. The Trilogy show will be open to the public (and you will get in free) but all other events are closed and for attendees only.

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A rare genius. The critics are right. Expect great things from this man.

-Ken Wilber, Author of over a dozen books on consciousness