Stuart's Blog

Confederacy Of Dunces

song of the day: the south's gonna do it again / charlie daniels
word of the day: secede / withdraw formally from an alliance, an association, a federal union, or a political or religious organization.
other word of the day: expel / eject; cause to depart or emerge, esp. by the use of force; banish from a place; discharge.

Let the shadow speak...

Moaning The Wordless Poem

song of the day: accidentally like a martyr / warren zevon
word of the day: copromania / obsession with feces

i love LA

song of the day: i love LA / randy newman
word of the day: pseudolatry / false worship

my apologies to the people in L.A...

my nephew and i are psychic, so back off or we'll melt your heads into puddles

song of the day: lay your hands on me / thompson twins
word of the day: gymnosophy / deep contemplation performed while naked (i think i may have used this as a word of the day before, but come on, it's awesome...)


song of the day: clouds / cibo matto
word of the day: alethiology / study of truth

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We were blown away by Stuart’s pure genius. Finally a songwriter with something to say. We booked him on the show, calls started coming in “Who was that? Who was that you had on World Cafe?”

-Bruce Warren of WXPN/ World Cafe