song of the day: i love LA / randy newman
word of the day: pseudolatry / false worship
my apologies to the people in L.A...
i had three cancelled / delayed flights trying to get out of Denver on friday, and was unable to get into Los Angelas until about 11pm, which of course, meant that i MISSED my show. i'm sorry to those of you who drove from all over the dang state to see the show. i'm going to reschedule with Knitting Factory soon to bring the magic back. i did end up spending the weekend in LA none the less, hanging out with Screaming Witness, go to hear their new CD (whao. WHAO. listening to their new disc turned me into Joey from TV's popular "Blossom". Whao.) i also got to have one heck of a dinner, saturday !DAMN! night was a veritable rock 'n roll / actors guild assembly, we went to Lucy's on Melrose and talked shop with Alex Oana, Dirk Freymuth, Jimmy Englund, Linda Goode, Alex Gibson, Tripp Lanier, Phe Caplan, Elizabeth Topp, and Anna (Alex Oana's wife).
star sightings at the restaurant? you're !DAMN! right. here's who we saw in or around the restaurant while we were there (this was all in ONE night, i'm not even counting the rest of the weekend): Catherine Deneuve, James Woods, Milla Javovich, John Turturo, David Cassidy, Bill Pullman, and Jessica Marie Alba. we talked to all of them except James Woods. we asked all of them to join us, but only Bill Pullman did. he bought everyone a round of Absynthe and taught us how to sing happy birthday in Portuguese. we closed the place down. even Lucy, the owner, was like "i haven't seen this many famous people in here in one night since the Eagles came through here in '79." BLAMO! KAPOW! AFOOEY! CHAMBO! KAZAAM!!!