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Stuart FREE Live Stream Event Saturday Feb 6

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Hi Friends, Stuart here. Want to let you know about my FREE live stream event this Saturday, February 6th.

Something from Nothing is a free 3-hour live stream event exploring your place in humanity's great creative tradition, and how you can birth your creative project into the world. It will be broadcast in beautiful HD video. Through a combination of creative teachings, hilarious real world stories and transformational exercises, we will take a deep inner journey toward the realization of that project thats been building inside of you.

Conscious 2 livestream events are like nothing you've seen before in online learning. Through multi-cameras in a broadcast quality TV studio, they capture the true intimacy and transmission of an in-person workshop for you at home. There will also be guest appearances from both Ken Wilber and Tami Simon by video sharing their insights into the creative process.

If you live in London and you'd like to attend the event in-person for free, contact to reserve your seat. Discover more and register for free HERE

And don't forget, I'm playing a concert in London Thursday February 4th at the Phoenix Artist Club


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We were blown away by Stuart’s pure genius. Finally a songwriter with something to say. We booked him on the show, calls started coming in “Who was that? Who was that you had on World Cafe?”

-Bruce Warren of WXPN/ World Cafe