Blog entry

Stuart Davis Doesn't Speak Dutch

Hi Friends, Stuart here. Hello from Holland!

I moved to the Netherlands about a year ago, right after we wrapped up the Music for Mortals tour. Still releasing new music, of course. In fact in the past couple months three new projects came out: the Walk of Shame sound track, my new acoustic album Songbook of the Dead, and the Miss L.A. single + b side. All are on iTunes now. Also shooting videos -like this new one- exposing the fact that I don't speak Dutch. Just another monoglot American meandering Amsterdam.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and get the fun first. Hope you're all well and having a great summer. One day I will return to America with wooden shoes and tulips for each of you... Stuart

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One of the most mind-bending, tuneful, and electrifying acts extant...

-The Press Citizen