Stuart's Blog

innovators, translators, resonators

song of the day: Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing / Stevie Wonder
word of the day: prelapsarian / pertaining to the condition of innocence before the fall of man (theol.), innocent and carefree.

Hi Gang

song of the day: You're The One For Me, Fatty / Morrissey
word of the day: kakistocracy / government by the worst. government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.

hi gang!

Why Is Six Feet Under Authentic Innovation, and Sex In The City Is A Pure Shit Sandwich?

song of the day: lotta love to give / daniel lanois
word of the day: struthonian / an ostrich-like person, one who ignores unwelcome facts

who the heck plays drums on "lotta love to give" by daniel lanois? kills me. that is the best intro.

Six Feet Under = Modern Shamanism

song of the day: keep a lid on things / crash test dummies
word of the day: sublative / indicating movement towards the top of

15th Century Teenage Girls

Song Of The Day: Poor Fractured Atlas / Elvis Costello
Word Of The Day: Cruentous (alter: Cruentus) / Bloody, mixed with blood.


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Avant-garde pop mastermind... Davis is as unique and endearing a live act as exists in America today.

-Duluth Budgeteer