song of the day: Parallel Universe Dub / The Nothing
word of the day: Renunciation / The action of renouncing the World, the flesh. Healthy: Freedom from deluded attachment to manifestation and form, popular with Saints and Bodhisattvas, and fully human beings. Pathological: Disassociative aversion to the World, manifestation, the body, etc, resulting in an inability to work freely within it and celebrate it as the radiance of Spirit. Popular with hypocritcal traitors to all sentient beings.
worked on 'Easter' last night with the band, new song about pathological hyper-agentic ascension. this is the (mostly male) spiritual syndrome where practitioners have an aversion to the World, bodies, humans, relationships, mundane commitments, and the day to day embodiment of love as expressed through really showing up PRESENT on the planet, in-form. i write about it because i've suffered from it all my life. it's a problem with some men in Zen, but it's probably equally so in any of the esoteric traditions. expanding the radious of "I" is a good thing. wanting to hide in the ether to escape life as a human is a bad thing. simple bypass, simple dissociation. but spiritual practioners can be such advanced bull-shitters, we wield an incredibly elaborate language for rationalizing this adolescence, there's this incredibly sophisticated justification for it where we not only manage to deny we're ill, but we inflate it, saying people just don't get how INCREDIBLE and singular our realization is. but when it comes down to it, we're just being lazy, selfish fuckers who wanna bail out on humanity and Earth. it's not exotic, it's not unique. see ya' next time around, Karma kids! Earth loves a flunkie.
lyrics to Easter:
In the midst of the perfection
this princess starts bitching
In the arms of Elijah
this infant keeps twitchin'
This master that's teaching
is a pupil repeating
This boxer loves headlines
but he couldn't take a punch line
Someone slap me
I can't stop laughing
suicide is back in fashion
But all ascenders
end up sinking
it makes love wonder
what fear is thinking
Two crows
sit at the window
keeping a vigil
over your widow
And two coins
drop in a casket
over your sockets
(bury that bastard)
You're two-thirds
ready for Easter
thinking you're Jesus
proving you're Caesar
ready for Easter
Right posture, right poses
Too bad what's under the robes is
still cross-eyed in the witness
and searching for suchness
Back home God's diamond
puts a diaper on the daughter of
a mystical martyr
who triggered a seizure
from making believe that
his body's a disease
He's wishing
for a World where
his vapor would thrive
and giving up his life
(as if he were alive)
He would have his wings
if feathers came from crutches
or that cushion he clutches
Someone slap me
I can't stop laughing
suicide is back in fashion
But all ascenders
end up sinking
it makes love wonder
what fear is thinking
Two crows
sit at the window
keeping a vigil
over your widow
And two coins
drop in a casket
over your sockets
(bury that bastard)
You're two-thirds
ready for Easter
thinking you're Jesus
proving you're Caesar
ready for Easter
In the eye of a white tornado
in the pit of a black volcano
in the palm of a human hand
there's a grain of this quick sand
Someone slap me
I can't stop laughing
suicide is back in fashion
But all ascenders
end up sinking
makes love wonder
what the fuck we're thinking
Two crows
sit at the window
keeping a vigil
over your widow
And two coins
drop in a casket
over your sockets
(bury that bastard)
You're two-thirds
ready for Easter
thinking you're Jesus
proving you're Caesar
ready for Easter