Song of the day: An Englishman in New York / Sting
Word of the day: 'Eclat / 1, Radiance, dazzling effect; brilliant display. 2, Ostentation, publicity, public exposure, scandal, a sensation. 3, Social distinction; celebrity, renown. 4, Conspicuous success; universal acclamation.
Song Of The Day: Do Ya / Electric Light Orchestra
Word Of The Day: Hapax / A word or form of which only one recorded instance is known
Tired today. Feel like I was gang-raped by angels (dreams do come true!). Drove 12 hours yesterday. Friday's show in Iowa City was fantastic -there is essentially an unending succession of perfect audiences at that venue- attentive, eager to laugh, eager to go inward, outward, and ready to hug after the show. I gave away six brand new copies of Genpo Roshi's book The Eye Never Sleeps according to a random drawing conducted by color-coded skittle candies.
Song of the day: Lullaby / Billy Joel
Word of the day: Dhyana / Profound meditation; the penultimate stage of yoga
The other night I was in Safeway looking for licorice, I was sort of standing around in the candy isle staring at the shelves in a daze, and this song Lullaby by Billy Joel comes on the speakers. I happen to be standing right under the speaker when I hear him start singing: