Some Love Lyrics / Music for Mortals

There's no mouth
in your face
all you dream of
is a taste

Some love
doesn't care what we believe
knows the good are doomed to grieve
This one
keeps the others up its sleeve
here's some love

In your cave
don't forget
God has
no regrets

Some love
throws the wisher down the well
says hope can go to hell
This one
knows the others ones are spells
here's some love

(SITH-er-iz-um) : A whispering sound, as of wind among leaves
Stuart Davis

Beautiful Place Lyrics / Music for Mortals

Buried in your body
the beautiful place
the moment that you find it
you try to escape

Back to the comfort of numb
the blanket of lead
But only a fool
would hide in the hoax
between the brain and the bed

Baby we're the sum
of all we embrace
I know it
nothing will be left
but our beautiful place
I know it
in our beautiful place

Under every coffin
another cocoon
colorful clouds
begging to bloom

Comparatively short time
Stuart Davis

Stuart Davis CD Release Tour Begins!

The tour, she begins, yes?

Stuart Davis CD Release tour--> Music for Mortals

A mud bath
Stuart Davis

Spit It Out / Lyrics

There's a man at the mic
six foot three
bald and beautiful
but that's not me

I'm a boy in bed
with a bottle of juice
waxed and wet
and 80 proof

I've seen all the wonders of the World
I've seen all the wonders of the World

I keep a finger on the trigger of doubt
try to decide if I should figure it out
I guess I wonder what the fuss is about
soon as I know I will be spitting it out

I wanna, I gotta, I better, I'm gonna
spit it out

Causing one to salivate
Stuart Davis


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Davis may be the best songwriter you’ve never heard of.

-Des Moines Register