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1st Day Of Mixing the new album... Dirty Purity

Song Of The Day: Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing / Stevie Wonder
Word Of The Day: Haecceity hek-see'i-tee, n (Latin, from haec, this) / The aspect of existence on which individuality depends; the hereness and nowness of reality. First coined by the philosopher Duns Scotus, haecceity is that sense one gets of being in the present tense, the pure experience of a single moment in time. No other word has such subtle connotations. In addition, it sounds and looks very interesting.

I'm in LA, we're at Bomb Shelter studios mixing the first song. Life is funny. In the last few months I've been all over the country, literally criss-crossing the continent several times. Yesterday I was in my back yard with my daughter, hanging with family and friends, the ngiht before I played in Boulder. Tonight I'm in LA finishing the first mix of a song on the new album, that song is Dirty Purity. Fucking rox like paradox. I went to bed at 2am, woke up at 7am, and was at the airport till noon. Nate Jenkins picked me up at the airport, we went right to the studio and began our marathon. This studio is truly astonishing. I've been in some really amazing studios over the years, Pachyderm is really sweet (where we did Bright Apocalypse and Silver), I've always loved Henson studios (which is where we tracked this new record and also Bell), and I loved Master Mix, The Brewhouse, Churchyard, and so on. But this studio is really fucking crazy. It's about as cool as anything I've ever seen, and it is big. It's also in the middle of freaking nowhere in LA. It's smack dab in the middle of the industrial buildings, where they hide bodies and shit, but boy, once you go through the door -gosh, it's killer. High ceilings, sky lights, brick walls, stained cement floors, stainless steel kitchen, crazy cool modern furniture and design, whoop-ass supplies in anticipation of our arrival, including loads and loads of Diet Coke, Water, Diet Coke, Orange Soda, Diet Coke, and Beer. There's a stip joint right up the road, but I don't feel like working.

We finished Dirty Purity today, by 'We' I mean Alex. Nate and I and Rupert and Kingsley (Rupert's son) all hung out, shot pool, had dinner, made things up that made us laugh, and hung out with Ben, the studio manager who's opened his world to us with charm and warmth. Tomorrow we'll be getting up, meditating, doing yoga, and heading back to the studio. I told Nate I'm going to creat a fan site for him on

Dirty Purity features what is truly the greatest fucking bridge in the history of pop. It just zaps you between the eyes and drops you in a Vat of IS. Whao nelly. You have to hear it to believe it. Every one is going to hear it and go 'what the? is my CD player....??'

Dirty Purity

I'm in love
with the homeless girl
who carved a cave
into the World

She crawled out
all covered in blood
and dripped red seeds
into the mud

Filthy deity
shut up, shut up, shut up
already with the temple talk
you're freaking me out
with the...

Dirty purity
Dirty purity

Back at first
I bought it all
and then I
fought it all

I forgot it all
but I'm not done
not at all
with cryptic clarity

Would I, Would I, Would I
would I scatter if I just admit
I'm already dead
Should it, should it, should it
should it matter
that my mind won't fit
back in my head
Friction is sanity is...

Dirty purity
Dirty purity

Nothing moves
and something switches
question marks and crucifixes
how it was only eyelids
that kept me blinded
from the light
in open obscurity

Dirty purity
Dirty purity
Shadow over everything
I dream is the other
Shining back as everything
when dreaming is over

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Avant-garde pop mastermind... Davis is as unique and endearing a live act as exists in America today.

-Duluth Budgeteer