Blog entry


Song Of The Day: Can't Stand Losing You / The Police
Word Of The Day: Obsolagnium / Waning sexual desire due to age

Skwit, u girlz. I have been going going going. Sorry the blog falls into neglect from time to time, but I feel incredibly fortunate that sometimes life gets too full of fun to even find time to write about it. Can I give you some highlights of recent? Silence is consent...

*I fucking loved playing in Des Moines, Iowa City, and Omaha a few weeks ago. What can I tell you? For all the snobby-ass subscriptions to modern architecture magazines, fascination with foriegn ports, romanticized idealization of exotic tongues and post-post modern art, prediliction for taboo sexual practices -at heart, I am a New Yorker. A total cosmopolitan. But WAIT, inside that heart is another heart, and THAT HEART, my truest heart of hearts, is actually European. DON'T GIVE UP YET- BECAUSE BECAUSE, next to THAT heart, which is my heart of hearts inside my other heart, so in other words, in perfect proxy to those other hearts, is my Twin Heart, and that heart, my friends? That heart, is IOWAN. I was born in Iowa. That's right, my mom and dad fell in love in Iowa, they brought me to the World, and haven't tried to send me back to the Formless, not even once. I'm sure it's been tempting. Anyway, I loved playing in Iowa, and I always love going to the Co-op in Iowa city and getting two shots of espresso in the darkest dark coffee they have, and then buying another one, cuz it basically takes four shots of espresso for me to remain erect, i mean aroused, i mean alert while driving to Des Moines the next day. If you haven't been to OM center in Omaha yet, you better check that shit out. It is killer, one of the best spaces in the Midwest, and run by one of the best human beings on the planet. Can I get a catcher's mit on that skwit?

*Then I came home, rocked the Dot. The DOT, in this case is my daughter, not the department of transportation. dot is short for daughter, but also means the dot, the single dot in Zen calligraphy. She's the double inverted Skwit puzzle of IS.

*While in Omaha, chatting with a Sufi dude before the show and my buddy Matt the Meta, we agreed there should a religion called Isn'tism. I was describing the language I'm constructing -called Is- to this dude (yeah, technically it's called Isara, but put your foot in the boot anyway), and he was digging it, and we started talking about IS, the infinite ever-present Verb, and how in IS verbs are the default operant, not fucking nouns, nouns, strictly speaking, are not something you actually find in Reality, the Verb is the prime, then for convenience sake we invent nouns and so it begins. Don't get me wrong, the grandeur of grammar grows in glamour as we differentiate words form and function. What we are (and by 'We' I mean the 'us' of 'I' delving the reach mutuality of individualities that produce these morphing modalities) finding is that any coupling in the calculus of perspectives taken to full conclusion ends in a 0/1. It's nothing. It's something. It's unified. It's differentiated. Empty, full, individual, mutual. The Yooozhj. So, as some of you probably already know, I've been quite taken with IS. If there has to be a referent, if we have to assign a quality or 'somethingness' to whatever this fucking Unknowable, Immediately Present WHATness is, I like to use IS. IS is very hard to define. Present tense, limitless verb, defined by flux and pregnant possiblity, but unmistakably THIS, HERE, NOW, including all qualities, phantoms, their correlates, but also that which witnesses them -that WHAT which is itself empty- but inhabits and animates each emergent. IS includes all, and leaves room for lots of curve balls. And in terms of religion, Isn'tism probably says it all. Isn'tism, like IS, includes that which is, insn't, and built into its very name is the negation of rigid adherence to a particular version of the map, it is not a preference for a system, religion, dogma, agenda, but will not deny them. Isn'tism could and would use anything, including applying extent knowledge of all levels, lines, states, types, quadrants, the eight native perspectives, etc, and use them with the greatest skill and wisdom available in any given circumstance, for the sake of all beings. IS is just a made up language (although it's the fucking coolest one of all time, so EAT IT Esperanto, SUCK IT Klingon!) and Isn'tism is just a made up post-conventional meta religion, but you know what? EVERYTHING is made up. Even making it up is made up. Sorry, but get ready to be annihilated. Your life? Your culture? Your World? All vapor. And that's cool. Can't-enduring-form-beat 'em, then trans-substantially join 'em. Isn'tism cannot pass out of being. It doesn't locate itself in being or non-being. Designation is a more a matter of perspective and less a matter of fixed position. Just understand all locations shift in relation at all times, and each one is the Point Of All Places. Are you horny yet?

*While in LA I had LOTS and LOTS of fucking good times. IWET weekend was double plus good. Also spent a lot of time with Steven Brill and Rupert Hine and Alex Gibson making plans for taking under the World for the sake of WHAT. Word to your formless Mother, Love has no opposite.

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A rare genius. The critics are right. Expect great things from this man.

-Ken Wilber, Author of over a dozen books on consciousness