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Aspartame VS Splenda

Song Of The Day: Shock The Monkey / Peter Gabriel
Word Of The Day: Sucralose / An intensely sweet, heat-stable derivative of sucrose that contains no calories.

I just want the truth, dammit. I just want to know what the fuck is what when it comes to Aspartame and Splenda. Well, in my efforts to determine such, it's plain and clear that Aspartame is a toxic, radically poisonous agent in the human body. It doesn't take much research to establish that. Splenda is bit different.

Since Diet Coke is my favorite-double-favorite drink in the World, I was really bummed out to learn of the seriously dangerous effects of Aspartame (Diet Coke's big notorious ingredient). I was like, "oh, it turns your brain into fermaldahyde? Uhh...". Conversely, I was so happy to see that Diet Coke had come out with a Splenda-sweetened version, just as I had decided my Aspartame habit had to go. Wow! I don't have to give up Diet Coke.


Splenda, or '$ucralose' as its known to kids at the sock hop, is a major, major success story. Quickly after being approved and introduced into the market, it seized a huge portion of the sweetener market. This really pisses off the people who sell sugar, and Aspartame, and Sweet 'n Low. My simple question is: Is Splenda safe? Every answer to that question comes with a huge dose of spin. What I've learned is you can't really believe any one, you have to take all the information from both sides into account. For instance,

One of the first sites I discovered in trying to find the truth about splenda, was a little web site called The Truth About Splenda. I learned all sorts of disturbing things there, things that made me want to not drink diet coke with Splenda as a sweetener. However, one of the things I DIDN'T learn at that web site is that is entirely FUNDED by the people who make Aspartame, 'cuz they don't want you consuming Splenda. Not only that, the alarming information about the "research" almost never links to the studies themselves. You ever notice that? It drives me crazy. People on the web are always citing studies and research and then never providing any link or resource for you to actually check the study your self and verify. So, I'm reading The Truth About Splenda, and going "oh NOOOOOO!" Then, later, I find THIS VERY INFORMATIVE SITE. You'll notice it provides a point-by-point response to TTAS site, and it's from a third party.

Then i found this and this.

Here's what I've deduced from the juice set loose on web's caboose; Aspartame is fucking hideously dangerous to human beings. In 100 years, if we continue to evolve (or should i say "start"?), aspartame's approval and introduction into the social-dietary mainstream will be regarded as an incredible, baffling assault transacted on the public in greed and avarice. It will be just like cigarettes and other profitable pathogens.

I don't think Splenda is good for us either, but I don't think it's on the scale of horror that Aspartame is. Trying to tell exactly how dangerous Splenda is to humans is quite difficult, because everyone filters the information to you through their interests. They tell you ther's been over 100 studies, but they don't give you direct access to them. They don't tell you that 99 of them were on animals, and they certainly don't tell you that the human body often processes and reacts to certain artificially produced agents like Aspartame, like Splenda -IN A TOTALLY DIFFERENT MANNER than rats to, or even monkeys. I really don't think you can trust the FDA, and you sure as fuck can't trust the corporations that make money from Aspartame, Splenda, Sweet 'N Low, or even pure sugar. Refined sugar is no walk in the park for the body either. The bio chemistry in our miraculous human form is staggering. As I make a more earnest attempt to be conscious of what goes into my body, who makes it, how they make it, who suffers or benefits from its use and sale, it is both fascinating and beleaguring to me. The more you know, the more there is to know.

All of this is just my contention and exploration with ONE dietary item: Diet Coke. That is the tip of the tip of the iceberg. As I've been looking more closely into what it is to be a carnivore, I'm really getting bent out of shape again. AGH! Two things that make me sick about eating meat: The unethical, grotesque way animals are mass-farmed and commodified -the stunning suffering they go through so we can get fat and fucking SICK, and the insane health factors that accompany this cruel, bizarre choice. The more you study what it is to eat meat, and what it is to NOT eat meat, the more it digs a God-shaped hole in your heart. I went to my wife yesterday and told I might have to become a vegetarian again. I was vegetarian for eight years, then when I married her, I flipped over again, persuaded by her offer to assume ALL karma from my meat-eating. But karma is karma, whether i take it or she takes it, what's the difference? we're the same person, and why should either of us choose to increase suffering on the planet if we have any choice? AND you are HEALTHIER not eating meat. ahh... more to follow later. i gotta go inject Aspartame into my eyeball if i'm gonna see straight on all this shit...

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The greatest lyricist I've ever heard.

-Ed Kowalczyk, Lead Singer of Live