Super sanity is a mode of being that unifies two disparate realities into one. Making the paranormal normal. Braiding the anomalous and the common into a coherent whole. Some features of what I’ll call super sanity include;
1. Choice. Does the experiencer have agency? Is their sovereignty in tact?
2. Wellness. Is there a workable balance in and among the normal and super normal registers of their lives?
I wanted to take a look at two ways the Phenomenon can be viewed. As a control system or, as a developmental driver. Quick note in what follows, when I say Phenomenon, it’s with the big 'P', it includes all the phenomena from UFOs, UAP, abduction, contact, the presence of highly advanced non-human entities, all the spokes in the wheel.
I am participating in a full-day forum on Saturday April 3, 2021 which will discuss Angels, Ancestors, Aliens, and Ai. We will explore 'The Others,' the non-corporeal beings that are being seen, heard, and felt by people around the world. We'll consider such questions as who they are, what is their impact on our lives, and what is their role in our collective evolution.