

Nine lives
twelve hours
bouquet black flowers

So smart
so what
big brains, bad luck

Shame, shame

Waking up to the walk of shame
one girl
Any walk through Hollywood
is a walk around the World
Heading out on the walk of shame
you back out
to the ugly light of day
Thank God for last night's black out
Shame, shame

Too much
to keep trying
tripped up, and flying

So far, so what
it's all nicks and cuts
Shame, shame

Waking up to the walk of shame
One girl
Any walk through Hollywood
is a walk around the World
Heading out on the walk of shame
You back out
to the ugly light of day
Thank God for last night's black out
Shame, shame

If you can't get it right
at least get it done
You got the World in your sights
wrong end of the gun

Waking up to the walk of shame
One girl
Any walk through Hollywood
is a walk around the World
Heading out on the walk of shame
You back out
to the ugly light of day
Thank God for last night's black out
Shame, shame


Track Number


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In the Press

Razor-sharp improv. Lurking amid the minutiae of his observations on life and the Universe are some startling insights. Davis pulls off the most elusive of party tricks...Even the gods were grinning.

-Irish Times, Dublin Ireland