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Cliff Notes On My New CD / ¿What

Song Of The Day: ¿WHAT
Word Of The Day: Sarmassophobia / A fear of love play, especially in women

Friends and lovelies, we have come to the last two songs, I'm not going to expound upon their meaning too much. That's because these last two songs are too precious to fuck up with my babble. ¿What and Glass- are probably two of my favorites I've ever written, and I have no idea how I even got my stupid head out of the way long enough to let them through. I will say this about them. ¿What is my personal trans-rational signifier for the Big Enigma. If you look it up in an English dictionary, you will see something like:

what P Pronunciation Key (hwt, hwt, wt, wt; hwt, wt when unstressed)
1 a Which thing or which particular one of many: What are you having for dinner? What did she say?
b Which kind, character, or designation: What are these objects?
c One of how much value or significance: What are possessions to a dying man?
2 a That which; the thing that: Listen to what I tell you.
b Whatever thing that: come what may.
3 Informal. Something: I'll tell you what.
4 Nonstandard. Which, who, or that: It's the poor what gets the blame.

But those are just the surfaces of this word. To me, ¿What is the Cloud of Unknowing, the Impenetrable ~!~¿~!~. It is a door you pass through only by inserting your head in the key hole to be decapitated. It's a Koan, in short. I decided I would choose a word, one word, to become the signifier of the UnSignifiable. We enter into a placeless place here that is going to seem confusing to anyone who's not either a Zen practitioner or an Integral practitioner, or an agent in the Mystery. I'm talking about ¿What as a form of Tetramancy, or trans-rational divination conducted through bare awareness to ¿What is arising in all four quadrants at all "times" (although there is no such thing as two "times" and no such thing as two "places"). It's a Kosmic Koan. In another form it's also a Zen Koan, "What is it?", which you may have heard before. But to me, it's just the one word, and the key is operating with it as it arises spontaneously in intersubjective exchange, the surprise every time its spoken. So, I may hear the word ¿What a hundred times a day, and each time I or someone else uses it, the practice is to fall into ¿What. I don't even know ¿What that means, and that's the point. I can't say shit about ¿What (but You have to say something, as the Zen saying goes...). Why is the question mark upside down every time you see the word ¿What? And why is it before the word instead of after it? Because this is not even a recognizable question. It has never been repeated, or duplicated. It can't be answered, or ASKED. But it is pure inquiry. "Tetra", as in "all four quadrants in each moment", "mancy" as in the method of divination, Tetramancy as in living the unaskable, unanswerable ¿What of all that arises and dissolves in this and every moment. ¿What are you, anyway? ¿What is this? ¿What is asking the question? Seriously, ¿What the fuck? And so it begins. The lyrics to this song have more simultaneous layers of meaning and also layers I don't have any idea ¿What they mean, but those layers are not meaningless. And I would not want to take away from your experience of Tetramancy by telling you ¿What's ¿What about ¿What. Just put your head in the key hole and say goodbye to all assumptions about reality.

¿What is what is
we're gonna make a million
a million ¿What

¿What's more,
we're to do it for the children
the children's ¿What

¿What lit up
the lamps and candles
till the sparks
were scattered in the sky

Is it ¿What
we can feel in the beat
of an open heart
Or ¿What we leave
buried in a question mark

¿What is kicking
at the bottom of a casket
I wanna save it
but I'm too afraid to touch it
¿What is laughing
in the belly of a comet

So ¿What so
every body's willing
¿What's next?
it's all about building
¿What's wrong?
we're gonna make a killing

¿What wound up
the mud and water
till the World
was gathered as an I

Is it ¿What
we can feel
in the beat of an open heart
or ¿What we leave
buried in a question mark

¿What's before
a shining, or a shadow
¿What's beyond
a mirror, or a window

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