Blog entry


Song Of The Day: Unsingable Name / Mike Doughty
Word Of The Day: Plurispresence / Being in more than one place at the same time

How did "pluripresence" fall from usage? What an incredibly cool word. Distinct from omnipresence. It remind me of purported siddhis of certain figures. These cats in various lineages that are said to be able to appear in multiple locations simultaneously. See among others, Michael Murphy's Future Of The Body.

This weekend I'm going to record the first couple volumes of a new thing I'm doing which is a regularly released "audio book". Basically it will come out in successive volumes, I will be reading, stuff like the content in these blogs, and putting out five or six a year. Each one will be seventy minutes, a humorous ongoing journal that is edited all cool, has ongoing themes, and music segues and bumpers.

Also, if you've noticed my music is no longer for sale in download-able form on this site, it's because we're moving it all over to iTunes. You can buy all my albums in phsyical form here, and always will be able to. But we've decided to go iTunes for all downloads from now on. It's just too wacky contending with the download upkeep and systems. Matt, my Bodhisattva web master (seriously, he's a SAINT) has spent years keeping up that part of the store, and it's just going to be easier and better for everyone to have it all on iTunes. Same price for each song, so no change there. They'll probably be up in six weeks or so, and we're adding the albums one by one, so they may go up in litte groups, not all at once.

My new studio CD (titled "What") is being mastered on Monday and will be for sale on this site (again, physical CDs only) in a week or two from now. Get ready. It's like, my fav. Whao.

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-Des Moines Register