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Rostropovich Vs Soviet Union

Song Of The Day: Prelude, Bach's Suite No. 5 In C Minor For Unaccompanied Cello / Mstislav Rostropovich
Word Of The Day: Balnearii / People who steal clothing for public baths

Something tells me I would dig Rostropovich the person too, the dude. His music is undeniable, but I have to genuflect to one as punk as "Slava" (as he's affectionately known by his Russian country-kin, a diminutive form of the word "glory"). He fucking pissed off the Soviet government by being so flagrant in his pursuit of cultural and creative freedom. When they cracked down on him, he got louder, he was like -Uh, Soviets, you wanna get up in my grill? You think you want some 'a this? Nyet, moi blaho droog. Nyet.- and he started waving his cello bow in their face, which is the international sign for "fuck you" in the orchestral World. The Soviets were like, "Uh, we're the Soviet Fucking Union. YOU fuck off Rostropovich. Stop being such a bohemian shit and suck the Red Dick." Slava came back with "Dude. The only dick I'm sucking is the creative phallus-font of my dear compatriot in the arts, the bad ass Solzhenitsyn's. Check it." The Soviets were like "What? What the fucking fuck- you're hanging with Solz? OH Noh yoo dih' ehnt! You're fried, mofo. You are OUT- OUT of the Red house." Slava was like "Good, I hope I AM out of the Red House." Soviets were like "Good, you're not a citizen anymore. Leave." Slava was all "I'm going to America, I'm a big star, and I'm going to plant so many cross-cultural seeds of love the furtile field of my issue will envelop and subsume your nasty communist socialist bullshit." Soviets were all "You're fucking LUCKY, Slava. You're lucky you're a star, cuz you know what? If you weren't so good with that gargantuen faggety-ass fiddle, we'd cart your ass to the Gulag faster than you can say 'pros`tite'."

And then WE got 'em. That's right. Slava's ours now, and I would rub that in the face of the Soviet Empire if there still was one. Oh, how quickly empires fall. Ever notice? Empires are like fucking Pontiacs, they're lethargic, untenable aggregates of industrial-economic shit that collapse under the weight of their own corpulent clutter, the degenerating necrosis of insatiable craving to acquire, expand, acquire, expand. But not our empire, you guys. This time, it's different. The United Imperialist States of America will last forever. Why? Because God's on our side. That's right, and while a lot has changed in the last three thousand years socially, culturally, technologically -it's nice to know God hasn't. He is still the same Mythic-Imperialistic temper-tantrum throwing adolescent Diety who's personally obsessed with the political and governmental affairs of one administration, of one government, of one country, on one continent, on one planet, in one galaxy, out of the infinitely, inestimably vast expanse of space and time that is the Kosmos. Just as only we can prevent forest fires, only we can keep God happy. If we don't blow stuff up, Jesus will cry. God cares. God cares about America, and Americans. For the first time EVER, an empire has the sanction of Divine Right. That's right. Think of the Pope with Nukes, and you're getting close.

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