
I am releasing my single and album to commercial radio, putting the CD into retail all over the U.S. Also finishing the first six episodes of a TV show. Finishing a book, making apparel, developing movies. It's quite intense.

So can I keep perspective? How can I find confirmation that my motives, my drive comes from the "right" place?


Happy New Year's

The great 2008. Gateless gate. Weightless weight. Stateless state.

Of all the New Year's Eve's I've had in this, last night was probably my favorite. Just me and my wife. Quiet dinner for two. Conversation, absolutely fantastic food (thanks Trilogy!). I felt like dining on the light side. Had a cheese plate, some bruschetta, a hot pastry stuffed with brie. Exceptional at every turn. Marci had a four course meal including some of the best pasta and thai rolls I've ever had. We made our New Year's resolutions.

A slight taste or knowledge of something
John Hiatt


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In the Press

Davis’s music subtly sneaks religious dialogue into popular culture. Most surprisingly, the music is damn good. (Critics, you can sigh with relief.)

-Miami New Times